CILSS: a regional opportunity for the GCARD process in Africa
“Transforming Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) system for global impact”, this is the mission of GCARD to meet the global challenges of food security, poverty, global climate change and many others new challenges emerging in agriculture.
Beginning in 2010, the First Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD1)elaborated the CGARD Roadmap which identifies the priorities challenges facing Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) and required changes in agricultural research and innovation system to impact the smallholders. Declined in different levels, the AR4D challenges at regional level include:
- The difficulties encountered in integrating actions at regional level, due to the complexity of social, cultural, political and environmental factors among nations.
- Under-resourced regional organizations and networks, with limited ownership and involvement across the range of national AR4D stakeholders
- A lack of wider international political commitment to support regionally-organized actions and development organizations and to share technological innovations (Read full article on GCARD2 Blog)
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